Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Working Memory?

Write-Up The field of memory provides excellent opportunity for research, drawing theoretical models and implementing them to check their validity. Working memory, in psychology, is a memory system that holds information to perform various verbal and non-verbal (even physical) tasks. It is very important from the viewpoint of processing information and enacting it in day-to-day life. Though a simple three stage model for memory (Encoding, storage and retrieval) was proposed initially, experts like Baddeley proposed that working memory is much beyond these three phases and memory functions of short-term memory and long-term memory are very complex in comparison to what initial chunking of memory into theoretical aspects initially suggest (Becker & Morris, 1999). He introduced a novel approach to depict working memory as a not as three-part system that temporarily holds information as people perform cognitive tasks but a perennial work-desk on which information is manipulated and assembled to help us comprehend decide, and in problem-solving (Baddeley, 1996, 2003). According to Baddeley’s view of working memory, we can pictorially imagine a managerial executive (Central executive memory) with two helpers (Phonological loop & Visuo-spatial working loop) (Hamilton, Coates & Hefferman, 2010; DeRenzi & Nischell, 1975). This theory and its fractionization have neuropsychological evidence, experimental evidence and developmental evidence. A study states that left posterior hemisphere of the brain is actively involved in working memory. Other studies show that even right posterior is actively involved but in working memory but non-visual aspects. It might be involved in spatial aspects. Despite the heavy argument, involvement of different brain regions in working memory (Phonological and visuo spatial) establishes a base for neuro-psychological evidence (Vallar & Baddeley, 1984; Hamilton, Coates Hefferman, 2010). Laboratory based experiments show how visual short-term memory task is strongly disrupted by visual as opposed to spatial interference, and also spatial memory task was simultaneously more strongly disrupted by spatial interference. This double dissociation supports the theoretically proposed fractionation of working memory (Klauer & Zhao, 2004). Developmental evidence suggests that visual subcomponent of the visuo-spatial sketchpad is distinct from the spatial subcomponent as seen in children aged 5-6, 8-9 and 11-12 (Logie & Pearson, 1997). Thus, arising from strongly evidenced studies, Logie presents a distinct model of two separate systems (Visual and Spatial) (DeRenzi & Nischell, 1975). The visual storage aspect stores information about form and colour whereas spatial control takes care of aspects pertaining to locomotion, limb movements and also rehearsal of information (or series of information in visual cache) (Logie & Pearson, 1997). The proposed study explores the topic of fractionalisation of memory in lines with the above mentioned strong theoretical and research based evidence. However, the trajectory of interest is along the lines of research done by Logie and Pearson (1997) in developmental field. This study examines the visual and spatial development in children and adults. There may be many limitations pertaining to use of methodology. The visual recall of design and Corsi blocks are two distinct materials, not only in terms of format but also in terms of material to be recalled. Thus comparison of two unequal factors may raise questions about the validity and outcomes of the studies. Logie and Pearson’s study focussed solely on children of different age groups, but since it is purported to measure visual and spatial aspects of working memory under a developmental pathway, this study will use children and adults are subjects (Logie & Pearson, 1997; Klauer & Zhao, 2004). Other arguments against the reliability and objectivity of studies in this area have been in terms of usage of participants and individual, genetic, ethnic and anthropologic differences within the patterns of development. It is not possible to outline a single or a group of factors that predict the pathway of development. Our research hypothesis is designed to measure two questions. The first part of the hypothesis seeks to inquire whether according to the fractionation; the visual and spatial systems should develop at different speeds in humans. In accordance to the first part of the hypothesis, the second part inquires whether the developmental trajectory for visual system is shallower than spatial system. MethodParticipantsThe study has 139 participants in all comprising of 65 (46.8%) children and 74 (53.2%) adults. Among these participants are 56 (40.3%) males and 83 (59.7%) are females. The mean age for boys is 15.65 years and that for girls is 18.5 years.MaterialsTwo basic materials (tests) have been utilised viz: Visual recall of designs and Corsi Blocks. The recall of design is a paper-pencil task that requires the experimenter to show a particular design on paper to participants for 5 seconds and the participant recalls it by drawing it on paper (Logie & Pearson, 1997). The Corsi test presents a blue board with nine wooden cubes. The experimenter taps out a sequence of blocks (in increasing order after each successful completion) and the participant taps out the blocks in exactly the same sequence (Fischer, 2001).DesignThe variables design in a classroom based experimental condition testing factors between subjects (Adults, Children) and within subjects (Males, females) performance of Recall of design and Corsi. The visual and spatial working memory development are the Independent variables whereas the developmental trajectory is the dependent variable. Procedure In a classroom settings, both children and adult group were individually given tasks performance on Visual recall of design and Corsi block task. The scores of recall of design and corsi test were done during task administration itself. Calculated scores for each individual in the adult and the children group are put up before conducting statistical analysis. Statistical analysis Statistical analyses used can be divided into Descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. SPSS 19.0 was used for data analyses. Graphs, Histograms and Comparitive bar charts along with mean and median related data falls into descriptive statistics category. We have also conducted two unrelated t-tests; one to compare children’s recall of design with adults and the other one to compare children’s Corsi scores with that of adults. The mean score of children on visual memory is 14.17.(Mean=11.02, sd=1.727) and that of adults is 14.42 (Mean= 17.45, sd=2.765). The mean score of children on spatial memory is 11.02 (Mean=14.17,sd=2.275) and that for adults is 17.45 (Mean= 14.42, sd=2.196). The above table clearly shows that with respect to the spatial component there is a statistically significant difference between the adult mean and children’s mean (p=0.000) which is well below the 0.05 threshold. In fact from the above table it can be seen that the adult mean score is 17.45 whilst that of the children is 11.02 meaning that on average the adults scored about 6.4 more than the children. The above table clearly shows that there is a statistically significant difference between the adult mean and children’s mean on spatial component (p=0.000) which is well below the 0.05 threshold which is very highly significant The above table clearly shows that in terms of the visual component there is no statistically significant difference between adult mean and children’s mean (p>0.5) which exceeds the 0.05 threshold. It depicts how the mean difference between adults and children in relation to the visual component is very small resulting in no statistically significant difference in mean scores. Since there is high significance between the children and adult’s spatial component but no statistical significance between children and adult’s visual component, we can say that there might be a different trajectory in children and adult’s development patterns. It doesn’t however completely fulfil the hypothesis. Discussion The findings do not support the hypothesis in all earnest. There is no correlation between children and adult scores on visual component but there is a very significant relationship between children and adult scores on spatial component. It may be said that the difference has emerged because of the previously raised issue of different methods. Since, Corsi and Recall of design are two distinct tasks, it can be argued that their performance cannot be correlated. However, since the spatial component shows good correlation, it signifies that the trajectory may be well defined and that it develops more easily. However, not much light is thrown on why the results have come up the way they have. Further research may be interested in using Multiple regression to predict the possible factors that may have caused a high correlation in spatial scores and if there are any common factors in children and adults, they might as well be highlighted. However, like previous studies, this study support s the Logie -Pearson model as well as justifies the fractionation approach given by Baddeley. Memory is much beyond its’ structural and functional aspects. Though initial divisions on memory and development of theories have described functions and its’ aspects at a superficial level, this research has gone in depth to investigate difference in developmental trajectories. Since, it is a part of developmental aspect, it has many possibilities of further research (Baddeley, 2003; Logie & Pearson, 1997). References Baddeley A (2003) Working memory: looking back and looking forward, nature reviews Neuroscience, 4, 829-839 Baddeley, A (1996) The fractionation of working memory, Proceedings of national academy of sciences, 93(24), 13468-13472 Becker, J.T & Morris, R.G (1999) Working memory, Brain and cognition, 41, 1-8 DeRenzi, E & Nischell, P (1975) Verbal and non-verbal short term memory impairment following hemispheric damage, Cortex, 11, 341-353 Field, A (2007) Discovering Statistics Using SPSS (Ed:3 ), Sage Publications: London (United Kingdom) Fischer, M (2001), Probing Spatial working memory with Corsi blocks task, Brain and cognition, 45(2), 143-154 Hamilton, C; Coates, R & Hefferman, T (2010) What develops in a visuo-spatial working memory developmentEuropean journal of cognitive psychology Klauer, K.C & Zhao, Z (2004) Double dissociations in visual and spatial short term memory, Journal of experimental psychology, 133 (3), 355-381 Logie, R.H & Pearson, D.G (1997) The inner eye and the inner scribe of visuo-spatial working memory: Evidence from Developmental fractionation, European Journal of cognitive psychology, 9(3), 241-257 Vallar, G & Baddeley, A (1984) Fractionation of working memory: Neuropsychological evidence for short term store, Journal of verbal learning and verbal behaviour, 23(2), 151-161

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Research paper on dollar vs rupee

This paper is conceptual study based on Indian Rupee Fluctuation VS. Dollar ND relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. It provides valuable insights into impact of changes in currency relations on various sectors of economy keeping in focus economy in general and Indian economy in particular. Pros and Cons of currency appreciation and depreciation are studied as boon and bane for the economic growth. Keywords: Appreciation, Rupee Fluctuation, Depreciation, Rupee-Dollar.Induction The rupee has depreciated by more than 18 percent since May 2011, moreover with The rupee breaching the 53 dollar mark, profit margins of nannies that import commodities or components would come under severe pressure, which could result in price increases for the consumer. The rupee depreciation will particularly hit the industrial sector and put higher pressure on their costs as items like oil, imported coal, metals and miner als, imported industrial intermediate products all are getting affected.Although the prices of most of the imported commodities have fallen, the depreciating rupee has meant that the importer gets no respite as they need to pay more to purchase the same quantity of raw materials. The depreciating rupee loud keep the price of imported commodities elevated. Thus the industrial sector is bound to get adversely hit the appreciating rupee is posing a unique set of challenges for the Indian economy. The impact would not be limited to macro economy alone but it will also affect down to the level of firms under various sections of economy.This is conceptual study based on Rupee Dollar relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. OBJECTIVES This is conceptual study based on Rupee Dollar relationship in terms of Rupee appreciation that is dollar depreciation and rupee depreciation that is dollar appreciation. It pr ovides valuable insights into impact of changes in currency relations on various sectors of economy keeping in focus economy in general and Indian economy in particular.Pros and Cons of currency appreciation and depreciation are studied as boon and bane for the economic growth. It also provides suggestions or steps needed to control as well as to overcome leftists of excessive fluctuations between rupee and dollar keeping in view current trends. Related Literature Ever since the advent of the ARCH model by Engle (1982), research on the remission mechanism of volatility between various segments of the financial market has been fast advancing. The application of ARCH and its generalized form, I. E. GARTH has advanced rapidly in examining volatility transmission among stock markets. Studies on volatility transmission based on low-frequency foreign exchange data are, however, relatively sparse. The initial application of GARTH model to the foreign exchange market could be traced back to the works of Dibbled and Nerves (1989). They employed a vector autoregressive (VARY) model as a basis for the variance decomposition f forecast error variances in order to measure the magnitude of return and volatility spillovers in the foreign exchange market.

Should College Athletes Get Paid?

The question of whether or not college athletes should get paid is of heated debate in todays times. While many believe that student athletes are entitled to income, It remains undougtibly a concern of moral interest to universities across the country. This paper is going to explain the pros and cons that come with allowing student athletes the right to receive a salary. Should college athletes be paid? Let’s take a quick glance at the pros and cons of each perspective. For starters, in my opinion, yes, college athletes should get paid. What deserves debate, is the conversation of how to get this done.From my experience, in America, you get paid in proportion to the value you bring to the marketplace. College sports is one, if not the only, place where this isn’t the case. it’s only a matter of time before players start getting more than â€Å"a free education. † There are plenty of cons that come with paying students to play sports. According to Title IX, a federally-mandated law, if conferences and schools decide to increase the value of student-athlete scholarships to cover living expenses, they have to do it for women’s programs as well.This means that schools would have to, for example, increase the value of womens volleyball and softball scholarships as well. Schools have to stay in-accordance with Title IX, otherwise they’re risking their federal funding. And you know they’re not trying to lose out on any money. Another argument as to why schools should not allow student athletes to get paid is the fact that small schools would be at a disadvantage. How would the smaller schools and conferences afford this? The bigger conferences make way more money than the smaller conferences through their huge tv deals.So unless the Big Ten’s, and SEC’s of the world agree to donate revenue to conferences that make afraction of what they make, (think MAC and Mountain West conferences), wouldn’t this create an even wider gap recruiting-wise between the powerhouse conferences and the smaller conferences? ask yourself; if you were to choose between playing football for a small school, and a big school that’s legally giving you $5,000 in living expenses, which would you choose? Most college athletic programs are already losing money, so how could they afford to all male and female athletic programs, to cover for the athlete’s living expenses?Another concern to paying student athletes is the question of whether to pay athletes of all sports? Let’s be real here; men’s football and basketball teams are usually the programs that make the most money for universities, so if football players and basketball players got paid, does that mean that the men’s lacrosse and baseball players would get paid too? Most schools would not have the findings to financially pay athletes of the fur major sports in the united states. Finally players are still going to take under the table money.In my opinion, increasing scholarship amounts to cover living expenses may keep some of the kids from accepting money, but it’s not going to keep them all from doing it. I don’t think kids getting an extra $5,000 or so from their Universities wouldn’t keep the agents, boosters, etc. , from offering them cash and benefits. But I must admit, it’s definitely a step that I believe would at least keep some of the kids from accepting benefits; those that only take the money because of their circumstances or lack of cash for living expenses.There are plenty of beliefs, which justify paying student athletes. Jim Tressel gets paid close to $1 million a year for trying to win as many football games as possible. His players, however, earn no salary for doing the same thing. Although college athletes do get rewarded with scholarship money, there is a debate around the country as to whether that amount is enough compensation for all the work req uired of student athletes each year. Several Ohio State coaches were recently asked if they thought college athletes should be paid a salary, and their responses varied. I believe there is a big difference between paper money and real money, and the scholarships these kids get are only paper money,† said basketball coach Jim O’Brien. â€Å"They need to have some real money to walk around with that they can live off of. † Student athletes are not allowed to work much under NCAA regulations, and those who are in favor of paying them often point to that rule as a reason college athletes need money. But that reason isn’t enough for all coaches to share O’Brien’s views toward paying student athletes.Wrestling coach Russ Hellickson answered the same question: Should student athletes be paid? He came up with a very different response. â€Å"No, but they should be able to get what, say, a Presidential Scholar gets,† he said in an e-mail. †Å"This should be an educational experience. † Presidential Scholars receive full in-state tuition, room and board, book allowances and miscellaneous expenses — a total that OSU media relations estimates to be $12,483 per year for in-state students. That is nearly $2,000 more than an in-state athlete receives, even if they are awarded a full scholarship.Most of that $2,000 falls under the category of miscellaneous expenses, something athletes do not receive money for. The extra scholarship money is to be used for â€Å"athletic tickets, book costs, bus passes; anything that students need for living,† said Amy Murray, OSU spokeswoman. Some coaches are in favor of keeping things exactly as they are, without raising scholarship levels. Softball coach Linda Kalafatis said she did not feel well versed enough in the topic to know an answer to the question for sure, but she weighed in with her opinion on whether or not college athletes should get more for what they do.So ftball coach Linda Kalafatis said she did not feel well versed enough in the topic to know an answer to the question for sure, but she weighed in with her opinion on whether or not college athletes should get more for what they do. â€Å"There are some good arguments out there for it, but I am against it,† she said. â€Å"The fact that our kids get scholarship opportunities and good exposure makes the experience good. One of the issues that may be a problem with paying college athletes is the difference in revenue that each sport brings in through television contracts and other sources.At OSU, football and basketball both bring in a large amount of money for the university every year, so some may argue that they deserve a percentage of that. But do football and basketball players deserve more than athletes who participate in non-revenue sports? Some coaches chose not to comment on the issue because it is a delicate subject. Those who did respond felt strongly towards equalit y. â€Å"If money is given, all tendered athletes should be the same,† Hellickson said. â€Å"This isn’t and shouldn’t be the pros. We have more class. Athletics Director Andy Geiger agreed, saying if a compensation plan ever went into effect, it would have to be equal for everybody. That’s the only way it works,† he said. â€Å"It would not work, for instance, if only football and basketball players were paid. † Title IX calls for scholarship equality in college athletics, so if pay ever was given to student athletes, all sports would probably receive the same amount. The plan that is the most likely to take place in the next few years is the one Geiger mentioned during his recent interview.I wouldn’t mind seeing a liberalization of the financial aid rules to allow athletic grants and aid to move closer to the cost of education,† he said. â€Å"As far as players actually getting salaries — no. † Staying away from salaries for college athletes was the consensus of all coaches who chose to comment on the issue. â€Å"I’m not in favor of salaries, but some sort of stipend would be beneficial,† O’Brien said. When asked how much of a stipend he would like to see, O’Brien said that was something he did not know the answer to yet.He said it would have to be discussed at great length before he reached a decision. Another topic that is worth considering when deciding whether or not to pay student athletes is the fact that not all university sports programs earn as much as OSU’s. Equality is the key factor in this issue as well. Should a college with high-revenue programs, like OSU, be able to pay more than smaller Division I colleges? Under Title IX, the answer has to be no. â€Å"Since athletic budgets around the country aren’t all in as good shape as ours, I don’t really know how realistic a plan this is,† Kalafatis said.O’Brien said he agreed. â€Å"When you start talking about every sport at every college across the country, that’s a lot of money. Every sport would need to receive the same amount, so right now this is not too realistic of an option. † Hellickson thinks differently about the realism of the plan. Unfortunately, it will probably be driven through in the next five years by those who believe athletics is more important than education, With the popularity of sports nowadays, leagues are making more money than ever before.The universities are raking in the dough from these humongous television contracts, and the coaches and everybody else are seeing their fair share. † he said. Everybody waits in line for their piece of the pie, yet, the ones who make the system work are the ones who don't even get to taste the crumbs that have fallen onto the table. In fact, while everyone is going up for seconds, the athletes don't even get invited to the dinner table. I think we can all agree tha t collegiate sports is no longer an amateur enterprise, and I am not going to argue that fact with you.We can save that for a different time and different day of the week. Like everything in life, paying collegiate athletes has its pros and cons, but it would certainly save the sport of college basketball if some type of payment plan was installed. College basketball is by far a smaller market than college football is. I would say that more than half of the people that fill out the March Madness brackets don't even pay attention to the season until the month of February rolls around. And there are certainly reasons for that.One is that the sport has to compete with college football and the NFL until late January, and another is that the sport is slowly but surely suffering a slow death. I can't tell you how many times I have watched the â€Å"Fab Five† documentary on ESPN. I have watched it more than Seinfeld reruns, not because of everything they did for the game or because it was a great piece to keep you occupied when you have two hours to kill, but because I am wondering when or if we will ever see a team like that again.That squad was put together during the 1991 season, and all five of those players played at least two seasons. Four of the five stayed till their junior years, while two of the Fab Five played out their entire years of eligibility in a Michigan uniform. Nowadays, teams do land several of the most talented players in the country, but they end up leaving after one season. Even if the player is still raw at the position, needs to add on weight or could use another year to tweak his game, he is still off to the next level the second he hears he is first-round material and is guaranteed an NBA contract.Having players stay for more than one year would help create greater teams, as those programs would be able to add to the current talent rather than just replacing it. When you think of the greatest teams in college basketball, you think o f teams that were likely formed before you were even born. That's because the NBA wasn't handing out ridiculously large sums of money to these athletes and making it such an easy choice to leave college. It would also help even out the recruiting process, giving some of these other teams a better shot at competing for a national championship.The players that are going to be one-and-done only want to play for the best of the best schools, so they choose Duke, Kentucky, Syracuse and North Carolina because it gives them the best chance to win a title in the one season they are on campus. Well, if players were being paid, it would certainly help create a little more of an even playing field. If that player was going to stay in school a little bit longer, why wouldn't he think about staying close to home or joining a school with a little less talent where he can become the star rather than joining a team already stacked with 5-star recruits?Wouldn't college basketball be a lot more inter esting if it had many of the same players every year rather than having to get to know an entire roster every season? You thought Kentucky was good last season? Imagine if Brandon Knight and DeAndre Liggins had decided to stay for another season and had been a part of that championship roster. There is a reason that teams such as Harvard, Wichita State and Murray State are making noise lately, and it has a lot to do with experience on the roster.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources Essay

Providing an overview of an organizational position of human resources as a staff or support function - Essay Example Hernandez and OConnor (2010) argue that in many health care organizations, persons heading the HR normally report to the top executives. In small healthcare organizations there will be no second level of executive management and therefore the HR will report directly to the CEO. As a staff or support function, the HR facilitates the work, striving to obtain the overall effectiveness and efficiency. Staff operations supports and enhance the work of an organizations through making it possible to continue producing products or provision of services. Staff areas in a health care organization are HR, housekeeping, finance, and maintenance. None of these areas provide direct services to the patients, but if they are not performed, the patient will experience both losses in quality and inefficiencies. The primarily role of the staff or support is to maintain the organization’s service environment and capability, making the line operations to continue operating in an optimal manner. Human resource services of any healthcare entity are provided through acquisition of staffs by HR planning, effective recruitment and selection, development of the employees through training, organizational change and developments, and carrier developments. Additionally, HR motivates the employees through performance appraisals, job satisfaction, provision of good working environments, and reward systems. According to Shi (2007) HR services are provided through maintenance such as provision of benefits, working conditions and services that may commit employees to the organizations. HR may be an organization’s expert and official voice regarding personnel policies, compensation, and benefits, and many of the legalities concerning employments. Human resource managers working in a health care organizations therefore provide service, assistance, guidance, and whatever other services that may be deemed appropriate according to the needs of the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Viewpoint of Leopold and Schweitzer about Artificial Destruction of Assignment - 3

Viewpoint of Leopold and Schweitzer about Artificial Destruction of Ecosystem Centers - Assignment Example Various ideas about artificial destruction of ecosystem centers on ethics as a tool of human conscience. The moral obligation of man towards the non-living objects and other living organisms has been proposed by two environmental thinkers in a divergent perspective but convergent basis. Leopold is a proponent of land ethic as a critical moral instrument that should guide human actions towards nature. His claim emphasizes the overriding perception of man that land is a property. His analogy of Odysseus killing his maid servants is a comparative scenario of how man treats land. He argues against the human notion that land should be treated as personal property that can be exposed to destruction at will. Instead Leopold explains that man should consider land as part of ecology in which man is also a member (KohaÃŒ k 88). The point is that land serves as the habitat of several other organisms besides man. In that respect, man’s effort to destroy land interferes with the otherwise complex biotic and abiotic system that constitutes nature.Land ethics is used by Leopold to emphasize the need for a moral conscience of man in his relationship with soil. The description of land in this case encompasses water, soil, wildlife and all living and non-living organisms that make up ecosystem. The relationship that exists between man and land is more of symbiotic and property aspect should not be upheld. The land is considered the source of energy through food chain that ends up sustaining man. Leopold argues that the working of the ecosystem is complex and limited knowledge of man which prompt violent attack on nature is not fair. Man is the only organism with conscience and has the obligation to exercise morality in his treatment of nature. In this respect, Leopold champion for responsibility on the side of man in his desires to satisfy societal needs through nature. Other animals and plants may not have the conscience but it is evident that they always pose limited r isk to the same ecosystem that supports them. The history of evolution and biblical assertions of human superiority over nature assigns moral obligation to do the right thing for sustainable existence.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The advantages of online shopping Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The advantages of online shopping - Essay Example With the growth of online shopping, emerge several market footprint coverage opportunities for stores that can cater for offshore demand and services requirements appropriately. That point illustrates one of the benefits of online shopping that is; it saves time. With online shopping the buyer doesn’t need to physically go to the store to buy the product. He simply loggin or go to the website of the company whose product/service he wishes to buy, make an order, pay and the service will be acquired or delivered in case of a product. This saves time that the buyer might have used to go to the store. Another advantage of online shopping is that it very convenient. That is, who does not want to go to the store, make that long queue before being served? Most consumers prefer buying at their convenient time and place. In fact, many consumers would rather pay more but get a convenient service provided the service meets their demands. Online shopping is a global concept that is taking over the contemporary business environment. Online retailing corporations such as, Alibaba, eBay and many more are clear demonstrations of how online shopping is taking over the global business environment. Most consumers prefer online shopping to physical shopping because it gives them the opportunity to access varied varieties of products. At his convenient time or schedule, a consumer is able to access various sites that have the product he is looking for, compare prices and quality, comparing terms and conditions before making the decision on which one to buy. In fact most online stores emphasizes on convenience. It is only online shopping that gives the consumer the advantage of comparison shopping with just a click on the internet. Online shopping is comparatively cheap. That is, instead of fuelling his/her car or taking a walk to the store, a consumer simply needs some internet bundles to access the product he/she is looking.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Community Care for Health Professionals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Community Care for Health Professionals - Essay Example Social service providers are required by the Carers (Equal Opportunities) Act 2004, to educate carers about the right to an assessment. Under the Carers (Recognition and Services) Act 1995, Rena can seek an assessment programme to determine whether she can provide or continue to provide care for her husband. Local authorities can make assessments on the basis of legislation that addresses the issues such as Part III NAA, s.2 of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 or Schedule 8 of the National Health Services Act 2006. While making such assessments, the needs of the carers must be considered (Great Britain, National Health Services Act 2006 ). The Children Act 1989 provides voluntary and preventative measures that help to maintain the integrity of families. S.17 imposes a general duty on the local authorities that requires them to promote the welfare of children in need. They must ensure that the families of these children take adequate care of them (Great Britain, Chil dren Act 1989). Moreover, this duty also applies to the provision of service plans for children. Section 18 of the Children Act 1989 imposes a duty of care on local authorities with regard to preschool and other children. As such, local authorities are duty bound to extend these services to children in the age group of five years or less than five years, within their operational jurisdiction. They are also under a duty to take care of children who have not joined or who do not attend schools (Great Britain, CA 1989 ). Schedule 2(8) and (9) specify the services to be provided to children in need. These include advice, guidance, counseling, and help at home. S.17(10) provides the definition of a child in need (Great Britain, CA 1989). In the case of Chloe and Lily, their parents are in hospital under the care of their grandmother. The latter had found it difficult to take care of these children who were very young. In addition to this, her husband was ill. This is the situation of the ir family, and obviously, the children can be deemed to be children in need.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Equity And Trust Law Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Equity And Trust Law Assignment - Essay Example In both areas Lord Diplock can be seen to challenge the validity of legal technicalities and create a more just legal system with a move away from ‘natural justice’ in individual determinations to general principles of fairness towards the wider public. Lord Diplock’s key contributions to equity law occurred in: 1) In United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council [1978]1, Lord Diplock proclaimed that the systems had, quite simply, become fused and that no distinction was to be drawn between law and equity. This statement by Lord Diplock was accepted unanimously by the judges in the House of Lords and propelled the debate on this issue further. The case concerned the timing of the service of notices triggering rent-review clauses. 2) In Gissing v Gissing [1971]2; on the subject of equitable rights and the interests of the beneficiary in a trust case, Lord Diplock suggested that it did not matter whether the trust was seen as a constructive, resulting or other form of implied trust. Lord Diplock's judgment in Gissing effectively created what is now referred to as a common intention constructive trust. Essentially Diplock held that where the legal title to a property was owned by one person, cohabitees would be held to share a beneficial interest in the property even if they had not contributed directly to the purchase price (thus falling beyond the protection of the resulting trust) as long as they could provide evidence that both cohabitees had a common intention that the beneficial interest would be shared, and that the legal owner had induced the beneficiary to act to his own detriment in reliance of this agreement. Crucially, however, he saw no need to properly establish the boundaries of this principle, or to distinguish common intention constructive trusts from implied or presumed resulting trusts. Lord Diplock's failure to properly distinguish between resulting and constructive trusts has led to a very dangerous ambiguity and uncertainty in this area of law, which has arguably, ever since threatened to defeat precisely what Lord Diplock set out to achieve: the protection of the cohabitee with no legal title. 3) Pettitt v Pettitt [1970]3; this case established that a person who claims to have contributed to the purchase price of property which stands in the name of him/herself and another can rely on the well known presumption of equity that a person who has contributed a share of the purchase price of property is entitled to a corresponding proportionate beneficial interest in the property by way of implied or resulting trust. This ‘presumption of advancement rule’ in resulting trusts has been widely criticised as anachronistic. In particular, the gender bias of the rule is no longer acceptable; in fact it contravenes Article 5 of the Seventh Protocol to the European Convention on Human Rights.4 Lord Diplock described it as being based on the mores of propertied classes of the nineteenth ce ntury with little relevance to modern life. As Lord Diplock put it; â€Å"The emergence of a property-owning, particularly a real-property-mortgaged-to-a-building-society-owning, democracy requires the presumption to be reconsidered.†5 4) Hadmor Productions Ltd v Hamilton [1982]6; in this case Lord Diplock held that the Court of Appeal was

The QWERTY keyboard Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The QWERTY keyboard - Essay Example A quintessentially American invention, the QWERTY design demonstrates one of the key principles of human development: the triumph of culture over logic and the survival of a tradition which may not be the fittest for purpose, but certainly wins the prize for durability under pressure. The initial design of the typewriter keyboard was motivated by an intention to slow down the writing process, for technical reasons due to the tendency of the metal keys to stick if they were moved too fast (Baron 27). Through trial and error, early type writer inventor Christopher Latham Sholes from Milwaukee came up with the mechanically optimal arrangement of characters: in four rows, all in upper case (David 333). A further refinement was added by production partner Remington in the form of a letter combination which allowed the word â€Å"TYPEWRITER† to be formed using only the top row of characters. (David 27). So it was that the combined demands of technology limitations and sales ambition led to the final QWERTY format. As is the way of things in the modern world, technology moved on rather rapidly, and competitors soon appeared on the horizon, eager to take the ideas that had gone before and transform them into something better and cheaper than existing models. The so-called â€Å"Ideal† keyboard appeared in the 1870s, using the sequence DHIATENSOR in the top row, based on a calculation of the frequency of letter use in the English language: these ten letters were sufficient to produce over 70 per cent of words in English (David 334). Other ideas which have emerged since then include the use of an arrangement based on alphabetical order and the famous Dvorak layout which places the most common consonants in the central right hand position and the vowels on the left. The aim of this distribution is to shorten the distance between the most common letters, and encourage left and right hands to work in sequence (Bridger 380) with the result that typing on this k eyboard layout becomes both faster and more accurate than the original QWERTY arrangement. The Dvorak arrangement (see figure 1 below) was named after its creator Dr August Dvorak, and the patent was filed in 1936, at a time when industrial factory-style systems were common, and typing pools were set up as a way of speeding up business communications. Fig. 1 QWERTY and Dvorak keyboards compared. Source: Bridger, p. 381. On the face of it, these alternative layouts look like eminently sensible improvements based on a desire to better match the machine layout to the natural attributes of the human hands and mind. In practice, however, these later layouts have been rejected by mainstream typewriter and later also computer production in favour of the early QWERTY version. This raises the question why the older model has stuck, and improvements have been rejected. The answer comes down to a combination of different factors. Some of these are due to the momentum that the QWERTY layout gai ned in the critical years of atomization in the United States. As companies were set up they designed integrated systems which fed into each other, so that for example sales, processing of orders and invoicing were conducted by letter and telephone, and instead of handwritten ledgers, typewritten documents were used, and then retained in filing systems. People were appointed to undertake these tasks, equipment was bought, training was provided and everyone

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing plan for Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing plan for - Research Paper Example cific industry in which operates, the organization requires a holistic marketing strategy associated with the Amazon name rather than attempting the laborious and costly activity of differentiating each and every market in which the company maintains a presence. Therefore, the company should be focusing on building a brand personality for the company as a whole, making a variety of markets gain favorable impressions of the company and not the products or industries in which the business operates. The marketing strategy is to ensure that disparate consumer segments build a perception of brand preference for over its plethora of different competitors. Brand preference is defined as the level to which consumer segments prefer a company or brand after weighing equality related to product availability and pricing structures (Boone & Kurtz, 2007). It is the extent to which consumers would rather make purchases with one company over other competitive offerings in an established market. Advertising is a powerful influence in creating brand preference (Jedidi, Mela & Gupta, 1999). Price is also a substantial persuasion that impacts the level of demand that companies can expect which is an indicator of brand preference (Draganska & Jain, 2006)., as a company that has been in operation since 1994, has already established brand recognition and brand awareness with millions of consumers which is justified by attained revenues of $61.09 billion in 2012 (Amazon, 2013). However, if the company can establish brand preference, it will open many new market opportunities and increase market share for this company that is still in the growth stage. Companies that have managed to establish brand preference experience higher revenue growth and can even allow organizations to charge higher prices since consumers believe in the quality and integrity of the brand (Chaudhuri & Holbrook, 2001). To accomplish this goal of establishing more significant brand

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Triangle Factory Fire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Triangle Factory Fire - Essay Example Immigrants desperately needed work and were at a disadvantage because they were â€Å"struggling with a new language and culture† (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). Because of this, the workers were willing to work in conditions that many would consider unacceptable and unbearable. Women as young as fourteen worked in factories to help support their families, and most did not have the protection of a labor union that acted on their behalf. Though labor unions, such as the International Ladies’ Garment Workers’ Union and the Womens’ Trade Union League, existed at the time, the Triangle Waist Company was a non-union shop (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). Managers locked workers in to the building once the work day started, required them to leave by a single exit at the end of their shifts, and subjected the workers to a search as they left the building. On the day of the fire, witnesses noted that the doors were locked, and only one of the two elevators available to transport workers from the upper levels of the building was in operation. Additionally, a worker who escaped the fire related that the water buckets intended for use in the event of a fire were empty (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). These are just a few of the factors that contributed to the magnitude of the disaster. The New York (State) Factory Investigating Commission formed as a result of this tragedy, uncovered the extent of what it called a â€Å"neglect of the human factor† (â€Å"Remembering the Triangle Factory Fire: 100 Years Later†). The findings of the Commission indicated that attention to light and illumination, ventilation, cleanliness, and basic â€Å"indispensable comforts† would not only improve the workers’ condition, but would also benefit the companies by increasing efficiency and effectiveness. The Commission states that â€Å"the standardization of factory sanitation is

Monday, July 22, 2019

Grade 10 English True Believe Essay Essay Example for Free

Grade 10 English True Believe Essay Essay What is it about romance novels that seems to rein people in? Is it their happy endings? Or maybe their perfectly portrayed characters. Quite possibly a bit of both. Romance novels are popular throughout the world, and anyone that knows romance knows Nicholas Sparks always does a great job portraying the genre in his novels. Nicholas Sparks develops the romance genre within his novel True Believer by incorporating all the key elements of romance. The genre of Romantic Fiction has two strict criteria: The first is that the story must focus on the relationship and romantic love between two people. Secondly, the end of the story must be positive, leaving the reader believing the protagonists’ love and relationship will endure for the rest of their lives. The plot line must be substantial enough for the reader to maintain interest from chapter to chapter. (SB FMAA) A very intriguing part of the novel True Believer is how perfect the characters in the novel seem. Within a romance novel, the characters must be portrayed perfectly. The physical descriptions of characters within the novel are usually cliche and stereotypical. With his dark, wavy hair, light blue eyes, and fashionable stubble, he looked every bit the New Yorker that he was (NS 1). Lead men are shown to be handsome and perfect to draw the reader in. Characters are always portrayed with predictable personalities. You know, you really shouldn’t stare, women like a man that can be subtle (NS 49). Women are shown to be mysterious and bold, drawing the lead man in, grabbing the readers attention. True Believer shows many examples of different types of relationships. Relationships are a subject that most people compare and relate to their own lives. Within a romance novel, relationships are understandably a very important part. Romance novels sometimes include unrealistic relationships such as love at first sight. After the first time he saw her, he found it harder to let the woman’s image drift from his mind (NS 114). Love is then sprouted from the first look. Romance novels also include the main relationship being driven apart, which usually tends to be the climactic part of the novel. Please don’t ruin this for me, okay? (NS 244). The main relationship is always torn apart so that the main characters may reconcile, and this will then lead into the story’s happy ending. In the novel True Believer detailed language is used as a tool to rein in the reader. Boring, dull, lifeless language doesn’t capture the attention of a reader, therefore language is a very important and effective tool in grabbing and keeping the reader’s attention. Descriptive language is often used in romance novels. In a restored, turn-of-the-century, peach coloured Victorian (NS 40). Such language is used to keep the readers attention throughout the novel. Predictable language is also used throughout a romance novel. Wrap around porches decorated with hanging flower pots and American flags (NS 39). This gives a reader the stereotype image of what houses in a small town in America look like. This is done to relate the reader to the novel by understanding. Romance novels contain many unique characteristics. The genre of Romantic Fiction has two strict criteria: The first is that the story must focus on the relationship and romantic love between two people. Secondly, the end of the story must be positive, leaving the reader believing the protagonists’ love and relationship with endure for the rest of their lives. Nicholas Sparks brilliantly incorporates all characteristics into his novel True Believer from cliche personalities and romantic relationships to one big, happy ending, making his novel True Believer a great example of a romantic novel.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Reflective Paper On The Importance On Teamwork Nursing Essay

A Reflective Paper On The Importance On Teamwork Nursing Essay What is a team work? Team work can be defined as when actions of individuals are brought together for the purpose of a common goal. Each person in a team puts his efforts to achieve the objectives of large group. Teams make efforts to achieve the success but not necessarily the success is achieved every time. Within a team every member plays a role to achieve the teams objectives. These roles add new and important dimensions to interactions of team members. Bruce Tuckmans team development theory provides a way to tackle the tasks of making a team through the completion of the project. On the part of the team every member played an important role to achieve the success at the end of semester. Our planning (or worrying about) whats happening next gives us little opportunity or inclination to examine what has just passed (Wallace, 2005). Writing from the angle of teacher student and team member relationships, it was appropriate to look then above quote. I believe that many students in a team hesitate to step further for their next action during the proceeding of project. I need to be reflective in my action for the future performance in a team. Groups of employees who have at least some collective tasks and where the team members are authorised to regulate mutually the execution of these collective tasks (Delarue, 2003). Group work is defined by a common task requiring interdependent work and successive or integrative action (Hacker, 1998). Belbin (1981) developed a model on team roles which was extended in Belbins (1993) publication. On the basis of the Belbins model the team performance can be observed when a winning or losing task is set for the team. Each member with assigned role balances the team role in a group and strong representation of all roles is predicted with high performance. I have experienced the same the role of every member in my team. Belbin makes a difference between two terms team role and functional role. It is necessary for a team to keep the optimum balance both in functional roles and team roles. On the other hands the Tuckmans theory describes the four stages of small group development as forming, storming, norming and performing. However a fifth stage of adjourning was added which involves the completion of tasks, termination of roles and dissolution of groups. Belbins theory is helpful to identify the different types of the teams; the characteristics define the work of the four categories. This model explains that during the team developments conflicts and interpersonal issues are found there and team development is dependent on the quality communication and relationship maturity with better performance. In traditional setting this model is useful for many practitioners and team leaders. According to this model all members work at the same place and are engaged in predefined work. This model works at the micro level of teams when new tasks are introduced and people involved have worked together not for long time. Belbin (1981) saying that not a single individual may have all the qualities to accomplish the total corporate role is totally right. An individual in a team is assigned his role of his choice and is avoided to perform the roles which are not in his abilities. Belbin also formulated the concept of roles in a team and their contribution of characteristic personalities and abilities in a team. The success of a team is the result of combination of team roles in it. The roles identified by the Belbin are lesser or greater extent shape the individual roles in a team. I am agreed with these nine roles explained by Belbin; all the nine roles are not necessary to achieve the success. I think that five roles are sufficient to achieve the success as some roles are doubled up for example a specialist role can be performed by a Plants role included in nine roles of Belbin. A project in beginning needs the ideas, concept and contacts so the roles of Plants and Resource are more valued at that oc casion. When the project is completed the roles of implementers and completer have their own place in a team. The Belbin theory allows every role to play a secondary role in a team. The secondary role possesses the second higher skills in results. In this way a role can perform more than one function to become a secondary role player in a team. In this work I want to reflect the situation taken place during the last semester to develop and utilize my personal skills needed to maintain the relationships with other team members. Gibbs (1988) Reflective cycle is used to reflect in an effective way. I am using this model because it is a recognized framework for my reflection. Gibbs (1988) contains six stages to complete the cycle which improves my personal skills continuously and learning for the best practices in future. As Gibbs cycle moves forward the first stage describes the situation where the team members work together, next stage looks the feelings of members about the work and third stage involves the analysis of the feelings of team members. The fourth stage is the analysis to make the sense of experience, 5th stage includes the outcome of team work and the final stage involves the action plan for the situation if it arose again. This kind of reflection generated the practice knowledge which assisted me to work with m y team members and adapt the new situation during the work. The team work generated a sense of satisfaction and developed professional practices. My team work encouraged me to learn from the mistakes and behavior and looked at the perspectives of other members in team. It was important for me to build the team member relationship with other team fellows. I established a mutual understanding and trust with other team members. Bound (1996) has stated that reflection is prompted by its positive states. He gives examples of a completion of a task which was thought impossible previously. I think that I have showed this sort of reflection during my last semester. Team work faces many challenges as the Watson (1995) says that teamwork is not a smooth path individualistic behavior, competitive, personality imbalances and cultural, philosophical, gender differences are all risks. I have seen these negative aspects of teamwork provided me learning opportunities when I was asked to do a differ ently next time. There existed the cultural and language differences among the team members. Therefore many learning activities were organized as a group but the challenges of language and cultural differences resisted producing the expected results. Students in a group varied due to academic levels and many of them were unable to embrace the other cultures. Language differences also impacted our teamwork due to language handling conflicts. The positive points of teamwork are enormous as being a team member I have shared the resources, success glory and burden failure. We have talked on various topics relevant to our project during the last session. I have respected my team members, their ideas and feelings. At the start of the project,t team members agreed upon the team objectives and enabled us to make consensus on the aims, and minimized distraction from other issues. An agenda was prepared before every meeting and circulated to every member of the team during the session. It inc luded the venue, time and duration of the meeting and discussed the supporting materials at the meeting. It was impossible to solve the problems lonely. I inter-acted my team members which was vital for the team success. Our team leader addressed the team dynamics and created a culture of the creativity. I was a big part of my team to remove the barriers to generate the new ideas and encouraged all members and also supported them. Conclusions In this reflective paper the pros and cons of a team member are discussed with perspectives of Belbin and Gibbs theories. One very positive spin-off from this reflective essay is that now I am able to get further insights into processes and deliberations of each team. Overall it has been very learning experience for me and I have welcomed every my team members with different cultures and languages. A comparison of Belbins theory and Tuckmans theory is part of this paper. Belbins model is based upon the team roles while Tuckmans model tells us about team development process. Gibbs Reflective cycle is a role model to work within team and is described with its stages to improve my personal skills for the future work in a team. To keep the team more effective I must provide more opportunities and challenges and help my team members to plan their careers based on the projected organizational needs. By creating an organizational environment, openness and energies I can expect to attract th e vital team members which are major part of the keys to my future. Teamwork allows me to be involved and participate in equal ways, sharing equal ideas. This helps to broaden my thinking to achieve the best outcomes.(Griffith Graduate, 2003).

Story Titled The Kidnapping English Literature Essay

Story Titled The Kidnapping English Literature Essay It was a wonderful morning. There were bees buzzing outside the yard and birds chirping while looking for food on the paths. Across the street, Old Misses Ling as usual was taking her pet, sniffles for a walk. She was a friendly old lady where everyone was fond of her and even called her an amiable person. Most of the neighbourhood will seek her to baby sit their children as she was very fond of kids. Through the window of my bedroom, I apparently could observe my neighbours mornings duties. Some people grieve in their mornings because of their boring life, same old routine and extra duties. Young children get on their buses waving goodbyes to their parents with their lunch pack in their hands. Those innocent days of mine had passed. I am a fully grown up as a 20 year old teenager in my own opinion but my mother stills call me her little sweetie. She was the only relative I have with my younger brother, Stanley after my father passed away in a car accident when I was 12 years old. I was matured enough to know that he will never come back to us again. I heard it was a homicide but the murderer was never revealed. My mother had a rough time when my dad passed away. She was very stress and uptight with her being a single parent and helping to run errands, taking care of us, and attending interrogations in the police department. We could barely make ends meet for 5 years. Now my mother got a steady job as a clerk in a lawyers firm. Busy but well paid I assumed because she never complained. We were under the familys protection programme for a year as being ordered by the chief police. He proclaimed that we might be attacked for some sort of reason. My mom found it ridiculous. Af ter years of searching my dads killer, we finally put it at rest. My mom thought it was for the best for us that we should stop howling on the past. I put on my snickers and ran downstairs. The smell of coffee and peanut butter ran across my nose. I jump a few step of stairs forward to reach the floor in my living room. My mom was holding a cup of coffee in her hands while speaking on the phone huskily. I never talked about her work at a lawyers firm because I assumed it was boring. She gave me a look while pointing to the food on the table to indicate that I should be having my breakfast. I gave a smirk because I was on a diet. As I was a cheerleader, it is essential to maintain fitness. My brother on the hand was playing with his food in his bowl of cornflakes. He was still a little boy who needs me to keep in straight but I love him. Even though he does get on my nerves, I will still care for him. I walked towards him and kissed his head and grab bits of cornflakes from his bowl and he started yelling. I enjoyed it because it gave me the sense of home. I grabbed my school bag and wave to my mom. It was 6.45am and I had to hurry of to school. Today is a big day because we are going to recruit new members for our cheerleading group. It was junior year recruitment and everyone was talking about it. It was time for us seniors to retire. I was walking beside the road paths when I remembered that I needed to wear my necklace which represents sister hood among the cheerleader members. The road was clear and it was quiet. Everyone must have gone to work by now. I digged the necklace from my bag and put it around my neck. It was 2 kilometres away from my house already. Out of a sudden, I heard a screeching sound of a car from behind. It was zooming fast behind me. It was a black mustang. Before I could avoid it, it stopped in a sudden manner and was forced into the car buy two man. I shouted but was helpless. Two of them were white and wore sporty clothes. Both of them looked like mafias. I was covered with a cloth on my mouth and I felt so weak. I tried to struggle but the chlorofoam was too intense. It seem to seep into my nostrils and mouth. It made me awfully drowsy. It was already taking reaction on my nerves and my brain. I fell to a deep sleep after smelling the chluorofoam from the cloth. All I could felt was the car moving fast forward and a tight grab from the kidnapper in the car. After two hours of deep sleep, I woke up. My heart was pumping really fast. I felt deadly cold. I knew it was probably the end of my life. I saw myself tied up to a chair. I couldnt move my body except my head. My mouth was sticked with a strong hold Sellotape. I wanted to scream but I couldnt. Tears started to run down my face. I tried to keep calm. God is all I could count on. I looked at my surroundings. It seems to be a run down garage. There were lots of car tools which I dont know their functions. I see bottles of kerosene and some car parts. Windows were high up on the ceiling. The wooden floor reeds and I was starting to panic. I heard laughs from outside the garage. It had two distinct voices. The door of the garage opened. One man in his mid 30s walked in with a cruel smile. There were scars on his lips. He was wearing white pants and black shirts with French writing. He was speaking French with his friend followed behind him. His friend was shorter and looked timid. He had bristle hair. They were speaking French, thinking that I would not understand a word. It was clear and they wanted to decide ways to torture me. I wanted to get up and escape so desperately but it was impossible. My hands were tied and it hurts. The brutal guy took a chair and sat in front of me. He looked like a savage guy who would do anything for power. He had nothing but fiery eyes. He looked at me coldly and said Nicole, we both know that you cant run till you give us the chip. We watched you and your family every single day. We knew your dad. You dont even have a single clue that killed your so called heroic dad. My face changed. The thought of my dad suddenly flashed in my mind. They must have knew something and hid away from us. I was furious and puzzled. Your dad was a brilliant guy. He invented a chip that was capable to conquer the world. It had important information of nuclear weapons which will cause massive destructions to the world. He was going to give the chip to the Alias Cooperation. We could not have that happen. We offered millions of US dollars to get the chip from your dad. He was making the wrong decision and the biggest mistake of his life. He was a fool to reject us. One day, he was driving home from work Bom! , we caught him, living him dead. He thinks he cannot get away easily, but with Zachariah around, he cannot even hide. My eyes were blurry. I was so mad that they took away my dead for a small chip. I wanted to hear no more. All those years without my dad were a total darkness to my family. I felt so sad that I hope that they will end me too because I missed my dad so much. The guy went on laughing. He gave me the feeling that my world will be haunted by him. He came near me and looked into my eyes and told me I better get the chip for them or I will share the same fate as my dad. I did know anything about the chip and I didnt know my dad could invent the chip. I told them. The timid guy grabs my neck and whispered in my ear while saying give us the chip and we will let you loose. The sellotape was taken off from my mouth and I started to scream. One of them put a knife on my throat and stuffed my mouth with a cloth. He threatened me that he will cut my throat if I made noises. In a second, another guy enters the garage. This time was a completely different guy. He is dressed all white and a golden watch on his wrist. He was escorted by two of his body guards dressed in dark suits. He seems to be the boss around here because there was completely silence. He was around his mid 50s with the wrinkles on his face and his body build. He ordered the two guys around me to stop hurting me. He sat in front of me smoking a cigar and told me to calm down. He took a phone and dialled numbers and told me to tell my mom to bring the chip over. He put the phone at my ear. When I heard my mom on the phone, she was crying and knew that I was being kidnapped by assuming that I didnt attend school. I told her to find the chip. Before I could continue my sentence, the guy took th e phone and ordered my mom to get the chip within 48 hours. Then he put down the phone. There was complete silence. His assistance seems to have fear towards him. He walked around me and gave me a devils smile. I closed my eyes and comfort myself that it is just a nightmare. The man said: This is not a dream, Nicole! You better hope your mom finds the chip within 48 hours and hand it over to us. I looked at him with disgust and told him even if we had the chip, we wont hand it to him either. He went out of the garage escorted by his two body guards. The other two guys left with him. I was left alone in the dark. Droplets of sweat ran down my head and neck. When it was midnight, it was so cold. My nose went red and felt froze. I knew I had to escape by all means. Before I find a tool to untie the ropes, I heard chaos outside the garage. There were gunshots and I heard sirens. I had a great feeling about it and relieved too. There were two policeman and rescue squad who barged into the garage with snipers and short guns. I saw the two bad kidnappers were lying on the ground with their hands up. The policeman untied me and pulled of the selotape on my mouth. A guy came in with my mom. I was puzzled because he was one of the body guards who escorted the accomplice just now. He reassured me that it was safe then. My mom hugged me and was terrified with her face expressions. She touched my face and told them everything was going to be alright. The guy beside her introduced himself as Allen. He explained that he was under cover in Zachariah association for years to mad e sure no one would lay hands on the chip and my family. He was with the Alias government. He looked at my bracelet and told me my dad put the chip in my bracelet given to me on my 8th birthday. The chip was inserting in the love heart shape attached to my bracelet. I took the bracelet and gave it to Allen. It would be better to be kept with the Alias government. He told us that the Zachariah association was a highly criminal association. They were active for years but they always get covered for their crime by corruption and murdering. They kept quiet for years after murdering my dad because it involved the US government and US military which was a serious crime. My mom was so confused and did not realised all those years my dad was a scientist in the Alias government. He was a businessman all along. Allen has finally got prove to put the Zachariah association under serious criminal punishment. He thanked us for cooperation. It was an awful day which exposed all the truth about my dad. We were sent to the hospital in an ambulans escorted by the policemen and a troop of soldiers. I needed to be admitted to the hospital for several days. Even though, I was sad about the loss of my dad, but I was proud of him serving fro the country with bravery, honesty, loyalty and integrity.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Personal Narrative- Infliction of Wrath Essay -- Personal Narrative, e

Swirling fog and dynamic light surround my silhouette, a warped halo of ominous colors accentuating the restrained passion of my abrupt, powerful gestures. A demonic cackle resonates from my parted, sneering lips, a sense of power emanating from my very pores. I summon my strength for my greatest achievement, my moment of glory, the heroes of humanity having fallen before my wrath, as pleas for reconsideration bombard my deaf ears. The stroke of a button - water vapor and carbon are the last remnants of the blue and green orb that for so long careened around a furnace of burning hydrogen. So shall be my final moments as a supervillain, an evil and ominous figure against which hordes of mortals shall struggle and fall. My domination and destruction of the Earth shall be preceded by the acquiring of psychic superpowers, struggles with some benevolent archrival, and a glorious battle for humanity in which I shall triumph. I have fought one battle at a time, and my longest thus far is drawing to a close. High school has marked a gradual but inevitable transformation from my idealis...

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Admissions Essay - A Willingness to Overcome Differences

College Admissions Essay - A Willingness to Overcome Differences I have a fledgling friendship with Amalia, a Spanish speaking woman. Amalia is not fluent with english, and my Spanish is wobbly and crude. So we get together whenever possible to practice each other's native tongue, half an hour of Spanish, half an hour of English. When we first started meeting, I saw a forbidding wall of words that I thought had to come down if a bond of friendship was to grow. The words that bring me such exhilaration and such rousing exchanges of ideas in English turned ornery and cantankerous in Spanish. Talking to Amalia, I was careful to bring up topics that I thought my Spanish could handle without too many searches through the dictionary Amalia and I kept between us like a life vest we had to share. Despite that, I often found myself staring at a wall of words, stranded in a maze, with the right words eluding me, defying me, mocking me from where they hid. The words turned me into a blushing, stammering nitwit. I used exaggerated hand gestures and facial expressions. I got gender and number wrong much of the time, unaccustomed as I was to having to think about that in English. I was embarrassed by my strong American accent and by the mistakes I made. When I tried to tell Amalia that I had eaten fried eggs that morning, she had to gently tell me that I was referring to male anatomy. I referred to elderly people in a degrading way. When I thought I was calling a male friend "embarrassed," I was saying that he was "pregnant". Such is the wily nature of words. Still, I decided to earn my livelihood with words because I'm enamored of them, in awe of them. I'm usually a humble person near the bottom of the food chain, but words wield... ...a and I even though objects, ideas, and feelings are expressed with different words in our respective tongues. I learned that words aren't just representational, though they are that too, but that they can also be catalysts. They can influence human interaction, even when the thing they represent is not clear or, more to the point, at precisely that time. With Amalia and I, the words impelled us toward each other. The bond grew out of a mutual determination to knock down the language barrier, not from its having been diminished. Our act of tackling words signaled to each of us that the other was a person who wished barriers between people to be gone, not reinforced. We grew close because of the language barrier, not in spite of it. The edifice of words was the bond. I'd mistaken its true form. It wasn't a wall; it was a bridge. And now we've met in the middle.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

United States Attack And Ballistic Nuclear Submarines :: essays papers

United States Attack And Ballistic Nuclear Submarines The United States Navy has developed over the years to form one of the world's most powerful forces. The nuclear submarine is one of the major components responsible for achieving this status. The nuclear submarines have evolved over time in: design, construction, and weapons to become the most feared deterrence force ever. Tom Clancy, a well-known author and naval expert describes nuclear attack submarines (SSN&rsquos) in an excellent fashion by commenting: The modern SSN is a stealth platform with 70 percent of the worlds surface under which to hide, its endurance determined not by fuel but by the amount of food that may be crammed into the hull, and its operational limitations determined more by the skill of the commander and crew than by external factors. (XIX) Clancy also gives the complete story of nuclear submarines from the beginning. The idea of nuclear energy to power navy submarines came from an improbable origin; a United States naval officer named Hyman G. Rickover. After World War II, Rickover was transferred to the engineering department of the United States Navy. While there, he was responsible for envisioning the idea of placing small nuclear reactors in submarines and surface ships. With these reactors, vessels could travel great distances without having to replenish the their fuel supply. Most importantly for submarines, it would now allow them to stay submerged for longer periods of times instead of having to come to the surface to give air to then diesel engines (Clancy 10). According to Clancy, Rickover&rsquos main focus was submarines. In the early 1950&rsquos, a contract was signed for the production of the first nuclear submarine in the world. The boat was to be named the USS Nautilus (SSN-571) and built by Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics. The nuclear reactor in the Nautilus generated steam for the turbines as a result of pressurized water. This development was far more promising than the now Admiral Rickover and the Navy had ever dreamed (Clancy 10-11). Dalgleish and Schweikart include that when the boat was launched in 1954, it passed both performance and technological barriers. Being similar to submarines developed after 1944, the boat&rsquos speed was greater underwater than above, it did not have surface often to replenish batteries, and could remain underwater for a length of sixty days. The Nautilus became the first ever vessel to travel the Arctic from the Pacific to the Atlantic. While initiating an entirely new dimension for submarine operations, it was the first submarine to arrive at the North Pole (Dalgleish and Schweikart 6). A web site dedicated to United States submarines gives statistics about

Differences Between Us and Russian Business Styles Essay

Everyone knows that the key to effective communication is knowledge. And cross-cultural communication is not an exception to the rule. Quite the contrary we have to know not only the basic data about our foreign partner, but also we ought to be acquainted with numerous rules and standards of behavior established in his or her country. To negotiate with our partner we should possess both the minimum personal information about him or her and the maximum information about his or her country. In this essay I’d like to examine differences and common points in styles, traditions and etiquette of the US and Russian negotiations. I believe that present relations between the United States and Russia are quite good. The two countries still have differences, but they increasingly work together on a wide range of political, economic, cultural issues. Despite the fact that we can still destroy each other with our nuclear weapons, our businessmen and entrepreneurs work very closely, and Rus sian-American enterprises and firms develop with increased speed nowadays. Naturally I reckon it makes no sense to have all those warheads. The Cold War is over, and the best thing our countries can do is to be reconciled and to get along well with each other. And business partnership is one of the factors to establish friendly bilateral relations in all aspects of cooperation. However, sometimes it is very difficult to build relationships with people of different cultures, mentalities and customs. And this point concerns both our peoples too, because the Russians utterly differ from the Americans. In fact I consider that actually we also have much in common. So further in this essay I’m going to compare our countries’ negotiation styles and traditions, and to define how much differences we have and how much we have in common. In the first place I want to compare appearance of business circles in Russia and the USA. Both Russian men and women leading the negotiations usually wear conservative dark, often pinstriped, and well-tailored clothes along with good dress shoes. A Russian man is not supposed to take off his jacket during the negotiations, while a businesswoman is more welcomed to be dressed in a pencil skirt than in pants. However on some shirtsleeve meetings Russian people of business prefer to look more casually, in such cases they untie their ties, take off their jackets and can choose suits of more light classic colors, such as gray or camel. Similarly American business people wear conservative suits and ties of dark colors. But women  are also allowed to put on not only classic skirts and dresses, but also pants. In rural areas American people of business can wear their suits even without jackets and ties. Both Russian and American businesswomen are not supposed to wear jeans even on casual occasions. All in all negotiators of both our countries have an utterly conservative look, avoid vivid colors of fabrics and gaudy accessories. In the second place it’s necessary to compare the ways of behavior of Russian and American negoti ators. Be ready to that your counterpart from Russia will not be in time. It is quite appropriate in this country, so do not wait any excuses. What is more is that the higher is the rank of your colleague in the company the more probability he or she will be late for much time. On the contrary it is inappropriate and very offensive for your counterpart in the USA to be late, as every businessperson in this country follows the rule â€Å"time is money†. Gift giving in the USA is discouraged by many firms and companies, because it can be considered as a bribe. A gracious note will be enough for your partner. In contrast of the USA gift giving in Russia goes without saying. The fact is that it is extremely difficult and even impossible to do business in Russia without help from local authorities, thus a pretty penny, a cognac bottle, a chocolate box, a bouquet of flowers or other items can help you by doing business in Russia. It is necessary to take into account that negotiations with Russians often can be unsystematic, as negotiators in Russia can focus on several issues simultaneously. Moreover, the Russians are very emotional, so tantrums and walkouts can occur during the negotiations. Although the Americans are quite emotional too, the negotiations with them are more ordered, as they prefer focusing only on the one issue. During their negotiations Russian businesspeople can make some pauses, while the Americans seem to fill the silent periods and do most of the talking. The Americans are individualistic aggressive self-reliant businessmen who do not care for cultural customs of other countries and very often just neglect them; they have a greater level of tolerance for a variety of ideas, thoughts, and beliefs within a business team. On the contrary people of Russian business most often resort to collective thinking and take collective decisions. However, there is a great hierarchy within the structure of any company, and the subordinates must respect the chain of command and do not offer any ideas their chiefs do not want to take. The US  businesspeople are really initiative and active in contrast with negotiators from Russia who very often bide their time, demonstrating their well-known patience. Russia is renowned for its hostility, so it will be a serious breach of etiquette, if you refuse to take a drink or to have a toast. In the third place I compare the gestures the Americans and Russians have. Both in Russia and the USA you greet your colleague by a firm and lasting a few seconds handshake, but in Russia this handshake should be a little bit firmer. Also shaking hands with someone in Russia be sure that you have taken off your gloves, as it is considered rude not to. Keep good eye contact during your handshake. In the USA the counterparts who are good friends can briefly embrace, though in Russia it is not appropriate. A smile is a sign of friendliness for the US businessmen, while Russian people of business prefer to maintain gravity during the negotiations and do not smile at every occasion. In Russia it is extremely inappropriate to show soles of your boots, as they are considered to be dirty, while in the USA they can put their legs on the table. To laugh and to talk too loudly is regarded as bad manners in Russia. Just quite the reverse it is regarded as a sign of sincerity of a person in the USA. To summarize everything that has been written above, I want to stress the fact that actually both our peoples, including negotiators, do have too many differences. They have a great heap of differences in all aspects, but nevertheless I assume they have one very important common thing: both the US and Russian strive to maintain economic links and friendly relations with each other. To achieve success, business organizations sand negotiators should follow the culture of every particular country. It can be quite a problem for American and Russian people of business, because they do not pay much attention to cultures of other nations. It is quite a bad trait business circles in these countries have. Without understanding culture of a country in which organization want to do business, the organization cannot achieve success because if they don’t know the norms, values, beliefs and attitude of customers and employees then they cannot run their business successfully.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A comparison of the magazine articles by John Pilger Essay

A resemblance of the cartridge clip binds by John Pilger and Tony Parsons, analysing the vogue they ch solelyenge to different listenings and the effect of the language on behaviour and opinion. John Pilgeri s clause The Man With No Namei appeared in the mod Statesmeni in June 1991. The snip is left wing, and aimed at the middle and upper classes of society. I commit that Pilgeri s word is suited for referee of a risqueer intellect, and is perfect for the sweet Statesmeni. The cartridge clip go ons its ideas in such a way that unity tends to mobilise that it is true(p) source of information. Tony Parsonsi phrase Beggars Of Britainiappeared in Arenai in October 1991. The magazine is aimed at young spate probably in their teens or twenties. I believe that Parsonsi condition is suitable for my let age group, which is of the age fifteen to cardinal historic period old. The magazine itself is glossy and profuse of text and pictures that blend in. It would have bee n utile if the names provided were in on that point original form. nontextual military issue are generally very useful for promoting a idea, in addition to the compose language. Arenai may well provide graphics that since I have not seen a original copy and nor is there one in my local refreshfulsagents I am unable to discuss the conditioni s fully.The fresh Statesmeni does not have the room of graphics that is present in Arenai. It is considered as a to a greater extent formal magazine and depends much less on musical noteing compared with Arenai. Text for roughly is difficult to dismember whereas if it is accompanies with illustrations, it sets the eminence of the article. Language with gimmicks is fine for all but new statesmen generally promote more depth in panorama without the extras. One could compare arena and the new statesman with a drool that one might either see on television or hear on the radio. The television and pictures and illustrations set the p ic the scene for the mind to analyse.The radio and the new statesmen middling use text. The mind has to provide its let imagery and in some ship canal I believe this is better and fairer. The quizzer has provided the two articles in exact identical font and manner. I am not convinced that this makes a fair comparison between the two magazines. We can arbitrator language and readability but perchance not impact on the endorser. The tone of both articles is rather personal because in Beggars Of Britaini Tony Parsons uses much offensive personal physical composition, fleck John Pilger writes some his personal level. both(prenominal) articles are stimulated in more ways then one.Pilger is emotional in the way he negotiation some his takeoff rocketship with the unsettled person man. Parsons on the opposite hand hurls abuse at the way beggars get their money and how they appeal to to the highest degree volumes sympathetic side. And gypsy beggars who try to glut a ra tty flower into your solicit with some sentimental line for the children coos some obese hag Pilger talks about making a friendship with this roofless man. Parsons supplys his personal stance on the matter of beggars. Parsonsi article is colloquial because he seems to be talking the likes of a shot to you with streetwise language. . hey-you-guys-letis-catch-crabs Pilger is evenhandedly more formal in his approach. I have seen him nodding as if he is in silent discussion with himself both articles are indite in prototypal person. some(prenominal) articles are addressed directly to the reader. This creates an individual effect, as if the writer is writing directly to you. This makes you be more regard in the article, rather the normal news, handle the facts and doni t report emotionally. Parsoni s article is written from the writeri s point of view you either agree, or disagree.While Pilger talks about his friendship with a homeless man. Parsonsiarticle was published in Are nai , a magazine aimed at a young audience and it shows the whole structure and language is different. some young multitude have perfectly oversight spans but in Parsonsi his article brings up the subject of beggars straight away, with vehement obscene language making people read the article. been happier for us to sleep in a shoebox full of shitThis is in effect(p) for young people with short attention spans.As I said primarily in the essay Arenai is aimed at the younger generation. Pilgeri s article was published in New Statesmeni a magazine aimed at middle and upper classes.Pilger writes a trace narrative of a build up of a relationship with a homeless man, The Man With No Namei. Pilger builds up his article with a story and telling the reader the facts. The reader learns about the plight of the homeless people while telling the story of a typical homeless man. My friend is typical in that he bears the beaten(prenominal) scars of the homelessness The article is aimed at the more hop on reader, who would be touched by Pilgeri s generous nature, and the predicament of the homeless man. So this is perfectly in place in the New Statesmeni mature readers to read a mature article. Both articles use timeworn side.I regard Beggars of Britain use of English really standard. While The Man With No Name is high Standard English. With but a few complicating words for a teenage reader. such as a furtiveness sporadic, shallow joviality around of these words are considerably tangled for an immature reader. The target audience for both publications is perfectly suited in their single magazines. Parsons writes for a younger audience and writes barely how the younger audiences like it. While Pilger writes for a matured audience and the audience like the way it is written. Both article hyphen and structure are catered for different audiences.Pilgeri s article oozes aged style for New Statesmen audience. His story was a touching emotional parable, a parable which makes the reader think differently about the subject of homelessness. Parsonsi article has a different type of style a more risqui style the younger audience may start to show malevolence towards beggars the same type that Parsonsi shares. These people disgusted me Both journalists are extremely literate, but I think Parsonsi article does not do him justice. I speak up that Parsonsi article was not written for it high literacy level, but written by Parsonsi passion.His abuse of beggars dictated this article. Pilgeri s article was fine written and written excellently. The story was written with the right balance of everything fifty- percent story and fifty- percent facts. He had his usual egg white jacket and was leaning against the hedge This quote from Pilgeri s article is a story paragraph. With maximum publicity, the authorities allocated three century million for rough sleepersi This extract from Pilgeri s article is a fact paragraph. Parsonsi article is broadly a buse towards beggars, although he does feel genuine sympathy towards the real beggars.In Africa you see beggars with deformed legs crawl, literally crawling plead defaces the city, degrades the spirit Parsonsi article is mostly just his private opinion on beggars rather then a unspoilt article. Both articles were written in ninety ninety-one. Both and articles were respectively published in Arenai and New Statesmani. The conservative government was in power at the time, and Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister. Both writers were against the conservative government, and blamed the government for homelessness and begging.Thatcher government stopped council spending on admit more then ten years ago. Liberals blame the fall of the begging out(p) on the let-the-bloody-orphans-take-care-of-themselves ethics of Thatcherism These articles are quench relevant to the year two molar concentration because both problems are still around. Begging has made a lot of headlines preferably rec ently because there has been quite a few people who have been wrong begging, when they can easily live a prosperous life and have been charge of preying on the British peoplei s generosity.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and reality of technology

Perception and Reality of Technology Nowadays, modern technology is popular in our lives and greatly improves as time is passing. Technology has brought many benefits, but in reality, many people perceive new technology as having negatively impacted our lives. There are twenty three things of technology which can provide to us a much better knowledge; faster ways of locomotion and communication what are smart phones, computers, and televisions.The perception is sure everyone knows smart phones can make social life easier in many ays; Smart phones support a state wide variety of other services such as text messages, emails, the wireless Internet access, games, and photography; they allow us to reach anyone all around the world.Having perception usually means youve got the capability to achieve understanding and consciousness through the sensations.Although we already how have classical GPSs, smart phones are usually lighter, smaller, and faster than the classical GPSs. how That is why smart phones are used by one many people in around the world. According to a research, the total number of people accessing the web through smart phones is increasing to last over 17. 4% of worldwide internet usage (Fox).You will observe things ever since apply your perception of fact together with your partners is subjective.

Moreover, smart phones disturb people when they main focus on driving; and they have to take how their eyes off the road to talk or text. It is very risky and dangerous to everyone in and around the car. According to a report in 2009 in he U.S, there were a reported 5,474 people killed by distracted drivers; 995 of those were considered killed by drivers distracted by smart phones (Distracted reckless Driving 2009).The maximum approach to modify our world is to modify our perceptions about the world.Moreover, people use computers to keep in touch with entertainment, part looking for friends; or watch Glee romantic comedy and Americas Next Top Model shows. On the other hand, in reality, people sometimes abuse computers. card Playing games on computer do not have own benefit to adults and children; it individual wills a cause bad effect on people such as right eye strains, wrist, neck and back pains. People, who use computers too otten in a long time, should take a snort complete break atter 1 or 2 hours.You perceive the truth from where you reside from your own personal perspective.

In perception, television is another kind of popular technology which many royal household have.They can be operated either by battery or electronics. Furthermore, television can improve vocabulary and own language skills for people who want to learn second languages. After a long day of work, other people love to spend time watching TV keyword with their family members.Could be a reflection of the fact, or it may be distorted.Allow other people live and to make his or her life as you stick with yours.But controlled your life is, its never the identical day.

Reassure the client you may employ personal experience and your comprehension to coordinate the other possible resolution in the event you should find distinct parties aid to attain it.Your mind can only concentrate on a new single thing at one time.The logical mind is essential.You good feel that your way of believing and double acting is the proper manner, and you cant give take the thought that your spouse may must have different means of thinking and behaving.

You may total want to think of your understanding is currently coming from.Perception late may really make a difference in failure or success.You early may be astonished how disparate perceptions start to harmonize and brilliant everything becomes.So it is not, although if different perceptions and beliefs have been long standing you may believe that itll be tough to alter the unwanted ones.

Monday, July 15, 2019

“Please Be Honest With Me Even If It Hurts Me” Poetry Essay

So umpteen shadows I puzzle all told al 1(predicate) and and I gauge what invariablywhat you, inquire if you be of all judgment of conviction opinion or so me too. It is credibly kafkaesque to cogitate that you competency be mentation of me as a great deal. In the lock up of the night with the corn liquor fl atomic number 18 by my window the bust hook implement my eccentric because I boot so near(prenominal) and in my rec everywhither Im obscure that you fuelful disembodied spirit the same. solely I eer driveed from you is that you spend a penny me honourabley, make up if hurts me.Oh so bulky ag angiotensin-converting enzyme our paths ran into from separately one differents online, we chatted from magazine to eon and you became my friend. afterward a mend I started to feel topics in my oculus that I live neer matt-up before. I started to head ache virtually you more than than I thought it was startable to fearfulness more or less soulfulness . You neer express that you caveatd for me, unless some ages I however do non realize. Would you steady bring gain if I disappeared into postal code? The wide age that we were acquiring to chouse separately other Ive involveed you time and time one time more to beguile be mediocre with me flavourlessness if it hurts me,I still train that from you.I go through that you gestate your support on that point moreover as I bring my life here, and our lives prolong us use up with our cursory responsibilities, except when long time stick around hold of and I do non try on from you my totality captures to ache and my eye obtain to assume up with disunite once once more. sometimes I correspond my e-mail scarce to assimilate if I ascertain from you. I k now that thither were no promises make to me provided if you genuinely manage slightly me learn memorialise that I lease to be reminded often. attractive soul with s ome much to over fetch , in the midst of is neer easy to begin with, insecurities brook receive change surface more sharp with by penetrative or auditory sense that you care each day. I resulting never pick out you to be anyone plainly yourself, you are the one I make water boastful to love, precisely I do ask you to be honest with me blush if it hurts me. one time again I am getting machinate to spring up into my bed, in force(p) indirect requesting and pipe breathing in that you were here with me, plane up if it kitty unless be a short-change while. Do youever wish that similarly or am I lifetime in a wretched fancy humans? For now I provide get together my applys and dreams in my substance for the night. If I knew for authorized how you tangle I would bed if I should nates off or get closer. Should I mother my hopes and dreams and dictate them in a recession where I hump that they go forth be safe, or do I entertain a risk and cumb er relation back you my feelings? whatever you reach to flummox forward to me guess it honestly, even if it hurts me.For some yard share has brought us together, Im non accepted of its plan, precisely I lie with there was a reason. I pitch put my impudence into stacks hands, where it losss me to be in your life, I volition be, what it wants from you and I will be. I provoke hope and I burn down wish, notwithstanding it can exactly work out the guidance I dream of, if that is want it wants it to be. in that location is altogether one thingI need to ask of you and that is delight Be direct With Me thus far If It Hurts Me